Do not buy a GoPro.

GoPro (this is GoPro 5, but the 6 and 7 are pretty much the same with software and user friendly wise).
I just cant say enough bad about you.

Images from the left:
1: It was on, rebooted a lot of times, every time this happened.
2: Go figure.
3: Yea, no… It actually contained 100k+ of images, showing up a few minutes later.
4: The not uncommon waiting animation.
5: App asking me if i want to discard my edit, however not giving the option anywhere to save my edit.
6: App having to reconnect to the camera if you accidentally hit the home button.

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Homemade down leg warmers/gaiters

So this may not be an incredibly original idea. You can find both down leg warmers for sale, and knitted leg warmers that is buttoned. However what i wanted was leg warmers that are as light as possible, and as quick to take on and off as possible. This is because when backcountry or crosscountry skiing, you want as short brakes as possible to start with. Removing practically all the clothes and shoes and skis from your lower body to put on an extra middel layer is a bad idea to begin with. Traveling with a group i becomes outright stupid. Everyone will most probably hate you.

That said there is a problem that needs to be solved. In the start of every trip i always get really cold feet, however half an hour in i normally get to warm. I other words, i could need som ekstra warm clothing in the beginning, that would be easy to remove as soon as the body gets up to temperature. Thinking for a while i figured that something in the ballpark of down filled gaiters would be the way to go. I found an incredibly cheep down jacket on sale (like 20$) and got some zippers and some shoe laces off of ebay, and got sewing. Im obviously not a seamstress by and standard, but got it somehow working and i am fairly certain that it will work. They clock in at 90grams about 25$ and a couple of man-hours.

Fjelltur til gya-aksle

En tur til gya-aksle me Rune. Vi gikk opp fra demningen ved vannet. Demninger har det ofte med å være ved vann. Vi gikk rett opp, det var en del klyving, tung pust og hyppige småpauser. Da vi kom på toppen var det opphold og fint, men vi ble fort tatt igjen av våt snø og vind. Vi fant et sted med litt le og rastet. Det ble pasta med ostesaus på stormkjøkken. Neste gang vi skal på tur i alt for vått vær med alt for mye vind blir det uten stomkjøkken. Ikke for at maten var dårlig. Heller ikke primært for å spare vekt, men fordi det for blir veldig kaldt og surt. Derfor blir det heller mat vi kan spise mens vi står og går neste gang. Vi gikk ned igjen til gården på Gya og fulgte bilveien tilbake til det store regntøyet. Turen var på ca 15km om man skal stole på GPS-en (og det skal man som kjent ikke gjøre), og tok 5 timer og tre kvarter.

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Autentiske Buffalo Wings i Norge?

Er du fan av Buffalo Wings og vil lage dem selv hjemme? Da støter du fort på det problemet at ingen av de norske daligvarekjedene har Frank’s RedHot Original-saus (den “hemmelige” ingrediensen i den orginale oppskriften). Du kan selvsagt kjøpe Frank’s original fra ebay for ca 85kr ferdig fraktet (240kl/l), men om man vil handle lokalt faller mulighetene ned på følgende: Continue reading